ALBOMED GmbH Germany, is one of the leading and most innovative manufacturers for the development and production of modern viscoelastics. We guarantee highest standards – MDR-certified!
With our core competence in the field of OPHTHALMOLOGY and ORTHOPAEDICS we continuously improve the quality of life of our patients and support healthcare professionals with our best-in-class portfolio.
KD Intra-Articular®Gel
High-quality viscoelastic solution based on bio-fermented sodium hyaluronate for intra-articular use. Shock absorbing and restores viscoelastic properties of healthy joint fluid.
First visco-booster for osteoarthritis patients with dual effect of hyaluronic acid and niacinamide (antioxidative effect, limits inflammation) shows best overall functional behavior for dynamic activities.
When the finer details matter.
Pe-Ha-Luron®F , Pe-Ha-Visco® and Pe-Ha-Guard®
We provide the best quality for every ophthalmological procedure. Whether cohesive, pseudoplastic viscoelastics for maintaining the depth of the anterior chamber or dispersive e.g. for excellent endothelial protection – we have the right concentration, pack size and dosage for all ophthalmological requirements and applications.
Founding of Pe-Ha-Intraocular
Distribution of BSS and viscoelastic substances based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
CE certification
Implementation of a QM system
Viscoelastic substances based on natural hyaluronic acid
Expansion with the founding of
Viscoelastic substances based on hyaluronic acid (in-house development)
KD Intra-Articular®Gel
Hyaluronic acid gel for the orthopaedics sector
Gliding agent based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose for intraocular lens implantation
Viscoelastic agent with trypan blue to improve contrast in ophthalmology
KD Intra-Articular®Gel Ultra One
Expansion of the product portfolio in the orthopaedics sector to include KD Ultra One
Wetting agent based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose for hydration of the corneal epithelium and for intraocular lens implantation
Logistic center Unna I
New building; high-tech logistic center in Unna (Germany)
Ophthalmic product-line
Market launch of the first visco-booster for osteoarthritis patients
KD product line
New production Unna II
New building; high-tech production center in Unna (Germany)
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Hildebrandstr. 11
90592 Schwarzenbruck | Germany
+49 (0) 9183 95 69 82-0
Facility UNNA I | Logistic center
Otto-Brenner-Str. 7
59425 Unna | Germany
Facility UNNA II | Production
Isaac-Newton-Str. 7
59423 Unna | Germany